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Don't just survive... Thrive!!

We take a personalized, client-centered approach delivering one on one coaching in the areas of nutrition, sleep hygiene, stress management, hydration, training, movement, and mindfulness.


We guide driven, high-performing individuals who are feeling overworked and overwhelmed towards a renewed sense of energy, calmness, and balance in both mind and body.

To learn more about how I can support you book a free introductory call below. We’ll discuss where you are now, where you want to go, and how working with a health coach can help improve your overall health & wellbeing allowing you to enjoy the life you’ve worked so hard to build. 

Our Clients Say

Flex Befores & Afters.jpg

Gain Muscle. Lose Fat.
Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible. 

Results Guaranteed.

If you’ve told yourself that this will be the year you finally get fit, you don’t have to go it alone.

In fact, going solo is the slowest and most stressful way to seek success because no matter your will, there are just too many “unknown unknowns” to trip you up. Without a mentor to point out all of the open manhole covers, you’re bound to break at least a bone or two along the way.   What’s more, the biggest thing we see with the people who work with us to radically transform their body is this: they’re often missing just one crucial piece of the puzzle.  And I bet it’s the same with you.


For example, like many of our clients, you said you want to gain muscle and strength, and you've been progressing, but it’s been slower than you’d like. While you’re probably doing a lot of things right, there’s something you’re not doing right that’s giving you most of the grief.

Maybe it’s your calories or macros.. maybe it’s your exercise selection.. maybe it’s your food choices.. maybe it’s your workout programming.. maybe it’s knowing where to start and then how to adjust properly for your goals… or maybe it’s something else altogether.


Whatever it is, here’s what’s important:

Once you identify that one thing you’re missing—once you “figure it out”—that’s when everything finally clicks.

That’s when you start making serious progress.


And that’s exactly what we’ve done for hundreds of men and women of all ages and abilities, including people like you .

Whether you’ve been tracking macros for years or have never taken a hard look at you nutrition, I can help. I use knowledge and experience working with others to help you with behavior change and ensuring you’re eating in a way that’s working FOR you.


Things to know about our approach:

  • Our goal is to have you do the least amount of work to make the most impactful changes. If you are brand new to nutrition, we won’t start by tracking macros: we will look at your overall habits and see where changes can be made sustainably before progressing to more advanced strategies.

  • We will work on mastering the right mindset that is needed to be successful for life, not just in the immediate.

  • We do not look at nutrition in isolation: knowing your training schedule, recovery, etc is an essential piece of the puzzle (especially for body composition goals).

  • Our approach is meant to be sustainable and improve (or at a minimum, not harm) your health: We will not help you crash-diet.


Each payment will include:

  • One 45 minute introductory Zoom/FaceTime call to evaluate goals, habits + expectations

  • Customized Macro Nutrient Plan - specific to current health status & modified weekly/bi-weekly

  • A plan that’s tailored to your needs (weekly goals, varied by client)

  • Customized Training Program with video guidance & additional support if needed

  • Weekly App/Video check-ins to discuss progress (1x/week)

  • Monthly phone call as needed (1x/month)

  • Unlimited communication via text for questions, motivation and more

Flex Coaching Client Application

Our Services

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